The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 93
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Yeah. See now if he was the Lord I could see that happening but since he himself has no power doubt he would do that… Only thing I could see happening is she’s really is ill or isn’t there to begin with.
If she really is smart, she should’ve faked her death and not go missing coz knowing that family for years, I will know that they won’t give up finding her so easily…She should have just faked a carriage accident that exploded and burned her alive so that no remains will be found then the family would not find her anymore… She appears to be wise but us actually dumb right now…
Ikard just had to have Shady Reputation WHAHAHHAHA
We love us some misunderstandings🤣🗣🗣
Dark Elf KDS89
This is becoming serious and hilarious