The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 91
You don't have anything in histories
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What I don’t understand is how they are supposed to save the ML’s mother?, didn’t she die after giving birth?, do they have any way to avoid what they couldn’t avoid last time?, the only way I see that they could save her is if she never gives birth, if she doesn’t get pregnant, but that would make the ML not be born.
That’s my boy ,get that throne 😎
Ima ignore the people who are mad because things were obviously gonna be like this from the start lol anyway, poor baby, Evan has always deserved better 😭🤧 @Rizzar0s27 why did i lowekey think the same
Fl is stupid. Even Duke planned this, he already expressed in the imperial ball that he will bring best doctor to cure her. But that stupid bitch leave this family and only obsessed with novel, that this was the plot and I’m gonna follow this plot at all cost. Dumb mc
Laria did nothing wrong, this family is deranged.
I kinda want them to see Laria’s dead body…You know, it will be a good revenge for them….but of course I don’t want Laria to actually die….heheh….maybe since Laria has black magic, she can use it to fake her death…at least….OMG I just want more drama and angst!!! Please satisfy me author please!!!!
Black pink
What aren’t they trying to find her and they are not being obsessed
Brook, Evan deserves the world. Please don’t make him suffer anymore
Yeasssss go boyyy✨️✨️🥺🥺🥹🥹
You should at least punch your father or say bad thing to him he wanna gonna killed the woman that you love