The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 90
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@SleepyHuman read the room k, that was the plot and through all the miscommunications this was going to happen so pls use ur tiny lil brain k
So she actually ran away…okay…either way we all know they’ll find her eventually or she’ll go back willingly 🥲
Even it was plot to runaway she is dumb bitch. She is giving a lot trouble to many people for just her nonsense wish. I wish ml find another woman than this stupid fl.
@Mandragora yeah you’re the dumb bitch here. Seriously don’t read with your ass cheeks. Go watch your deku eating hair or something.
Ahh! Here we gooo! RUN RUN RUN 🏃♀️ ✨✨✨
@Mandragora ???? Did u just called my baby dumb bitch??? The whole story was meant so that she will run away and ml will then go find her . Don’t u know such obvious stuff . The plot is fantastic
Black pink
Hurray!! Finally she ran away after 90 episode it’s good I can’t wait for next episode 😍😍😍
Dumb bitch heroine.
After 90 chapters, finally….
She finally escaped :0