The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 9
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rip evan when he finds out lolll
@PsychoPrincess im your comment fan!!
boy you don’t got a cluue…
Loool our baby looks do proud knowing about “making babies”
Mimi a mi a a mi mi
Oh mah poor baby evan , he’s gonna be embarrassed very soon XD
I TAKE IT BACK EVAN! YOU CLEARLY DIDN’T STUDY ABOT “THE MAKING OF BABY” you still innocent oh poor adorable innocent baby ?
He’s too adorbs, he makes you feel like teasing him…. When he figures out what babymaking really is this will become blackmail to use later muahaha!? perfect for that little girl…
Those big eyes of doom she sends he father and everyone else, is just another tool in her arsenal of world domination, she’s already conquered the villain all will fall!!
no one
Lol he’s gonna be embarrassed when he finds out the truth about making a baby ?? cute cute