The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 89
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@Sirsai ur right. All of this happened because of miscommunication
@SleepyHuman it is already 7 years bro when fl said that .
Now they are mature enough to express their feelings . it is ml lead’s fault for saying no and about the duke he actually wanted her to die just because of that potion he is only telling the truth now but he never did anything for her health to improve . so how fl is the dumb one?
@Justwithme isn’t the fl first friendzoned him?
And why she is leaving even Duke told that he will bring best doctor to heal her. Isn’t her only goal is to not get killed by Duke and Duke have no intention of killing her and but why she still wants to leave. Is she dumb?
y’all they’re allowed to make mistake and take wrong decision
I mean you can’t be perfect
@justwithme this is that shiv guys alt, ignore him
@Lilalylyssissi The ML literally friendzoned her even though he loves her but I hate how he acts like a loser around her just because he’s going through puberty! I don’t understand this excuse seriously, does teens never confess to their crush and acts like some deranged porn watcher ? Like wtf is even this cliche “anime” logic.
The ml should tell her that he loves her and she , doesn’t she have eyes to see that these people love her
Molly Playz
Why to leave the story at a cliffhanger I need to know what happens next.😭😭😭
Come on . How much ep has it been. Just gi already
She’s being dumb.