The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 87
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Everyone is feeling bad for ml , but it is ml lead’s fault that he can’t communicate. Fl already asked ml about his feelings so this is not her fault that idiot ml is feeling uncomfortable around our fl. @Who loves manga you should pity fl not that dence ml
She is too dense, she didn’t get his feelings all the time the way he was acting. Even normal person with little conscious can feel that the opposite person is crushing on me. Both lead are stupid.
@lemonbooo yeah, the author is really dragging it with the confession. And it’s getting annoying
honestly he should have just straight up told her his feelings…
Who loves manga
Haiz … you don’t know ? Seriously girl !! You should confess your feelings towards him so he will be comfortable around you
Uugghhh I pity my poor Evan 🥺🥺🥺