The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 69
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OMG finally i’ve been waiting for this moment to happen they are finally 20yrs
Why can’t fl sees their true personality. Why these type of stupid mc obsessed with original. She changed a lot and still obsessed with original. 7yr is so huge and she didn’t fall for him in those 7yr.
Oh my, he finally found out that about how to make babies. My boy has finally grown up. 😭😭🤧🤧🤧. I am so proud of him.
Communication would go a long way but then we would rarely have any conflict in these stories.
He is a true, respectful, and honorable gentleman. Where can I get a mans like this for myself
Oh my he is quite a man now I feel so bad for him I hope they can actually be together soon
Oh the little boy has grown up 🥺❤️🔥