The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 52
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Are we sure that he didn’t go after the og fl for money as well?
the main thing we forgot is dude was always behind money
finding the old book in Duke mansion – he took a gold mine
workers were out of flour – thripled the piece of flour
the first sign -the painter he the painting and sold them coz there was no mention about the dude only name
Allong he wasn’t a true perfect character was too much obsessed with money didn’t regards PPL life
I can’t say he won’t use that excuse to get close to her. For some reason I’m not convinced
thank god they’re only business partners.
How is he even there when she stole all of his business idea’s, shouldn’t he be broke somewhere? Also if he’s willing to take part in an affair he’s not a good person
Ok this is better😂 i was worried the OG ML was going in the wrong direction but thankfully he was more interested in having Laria as a business partner