The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 49
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If that spoiler is true then that version of the story sounds lame….
*spoiler alert* indeed the duke is planning to revive Matilda, in the 1st tl. Iirc it couldn’t be done because Matilda wasn’t supposed to have any child, her death was an equal payment for Evan existence. Instead it was Evan that end up making deal with the devil, to bring back Laria. The price was something along Laria would end up leaving Evan because she believes that Evan would marry someone else. I think something along that line.
Would be crazy if after all this time we find out the duke is a time traveler and came back because he regretted letting her die for his schemes. And this time he has a plan on saving her life
Kim Tami
It-its i-i can’t say it but someone already did it baby not for matilda tho T_T