The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 47
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Not the maid aggressively sweeping the petals in the backround 🤣🤣
*spoiler* even in the 1st tl, Evan did love Laria. Laria is the Og!Laria.
Seymour is such a creep. Fl clearly dislikes him, and has denied him multiple times. But hes completely ignoring her feelings. Was he like this in the original? Why would anyone want such a stalker as a ml?
Evan,, you two are too young to talk about that AHAHHAHAAHAHAHHHAHAHAAA
Og male lead needs to take an etiquette class
Seymour is a really bothersome guy to be around. His presence is too uncomfortable, I hate it when he show up in the page
that’s why sex education at the appropriate age is very important
don’t lock your children in the dark about these things 😂😂😭😭
P.S someone get Evan a book about how babies are really born..
everyone’s worried about the og fl and ml while i’m over here concerned that evan STILL thinks they can have a baby while holding hands and sleeping😂🤦🏼♀️
I think OG ML just curious about Laria’s identity, since she always one step ahead of his plans
wow is that the og FL she’s stunning and the OG ML is kind of inconsiderate, he doesn’t even know her he just thinks they are soulmate but that’s not a reason to send her weird letters and approach her constantly after she’s already turned him down multiple times. Eventually that becomes creepy
I like that the ML(the original) isnt like backing down but maybe if he meets Evans father lol and I hope she starts to get sick so she can really leave the party
Is that the OG FL????