The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 45
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2 steps ahead
bruh I thought he didn’t like blue why is he wearing blue
omg he’s freak af, just when I thought he have touched enough grass after hearing that punchline but it no use… even therapist cant’t save you now my dude
seriously, if the ML were this of a problem, then how bad can the FL could be? it sick..
🤮 no wonder he had no shame about having an open affair with a married woman the first time. Hes steamrolling fl feelings, ignoring her statment about having a husband, and has balls to still hit on her after she rejected him. And their nothing alike! Seymour screwed the commoners to get more money and never cared about their livelihood, where fl actually cares first about commoner and how they both can profit. Totally different. Also, isnt Seymour in his early 20? 😖😖😖
How old is Seymour?
Right? The painting is like more mature for evan, he looks like he’s in 15 yo self or even bit older
It looks like they were drawn a little bit older, the babies are growing up 😭
yea laria reply to him… we’ll see if he’s still living if evan doesn’t get to him first
Jelly jelly 🤣
HAHAHA THAT WAS JACKPOT, Laria reading his letter in front of him
Lagot ka gurl 🤣🤣🤣🤣