The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 43
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So og ml isn’t good,I wonder how the og fl would be like
No wonder they cheated like that,poor Evannnnnn
Idk if its just me, but more I learn about Seymour, the more of a dick he seems. Like he was constantly scaming people out of their talents to make money, especially if they didn’t know their worth. Especially with the flour, like yes he helped boost sales, but he did so so that he could sell flour back 10 times original price. Same with the painter, he only spread the news after he bought enough paintings to make more profit than the painter. Like to me hes not even worth being a 2nd lead because hes giving egotistical and con artist vibes. They also compared him to the captian of the knights, so I wonder if it will be same where he will imagine this entire relationship with fl without giving a crap about her feelings?