The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 42
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I would have been one of Serena lovers
The Art Got so much BETTER!!!!1
2 steps ahead
woah woah woah what was her face in that last panel is she scheming smith??
@ParodiaMagnifica Serena is trying to making her happy by what to manipulating her to commit infidelity? Are you serious? Does it will make her happy?
You guys got it all wrong Serena isn’t jealous of Laria or Lisa she’s not trying to get with the Duke or Evan Serena believes that the Duke and his son are using and taking advantage of Laria she thinks they planned on killing her to get rid of her but she loves laria she doesn’t want her to get hurt so she’s trying to make her happy through what makes her happy BOYS
why is she so focused on their breakup and getting her to date other guys? And if you’re comparing people to food you can try out you aren’t ready to be in a relationship nor should you be giving relationship advice
so now are you worried that SHE might fall for Evan? come on stop interfering in her life like this… when she’s respecting you and your hobbies…