The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 37
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@nikkorizz aunt plot isn’t pointless
did u even read the introduction of her
she was considered as a villain in original story meaning how kind and helpful she was to fl isn’t it sus that she was portrayed that way
FL got a high ranking family as background now
*spoiler alert* Laria is the Og!Laria. Evan actually making deal with the devil to bring back Laria. Actually Duke Ikard reason trying to marry Evan to the princess is for a relic that can make deal with the devil, he was planning to bring Matilda back….but for some reason it was Evan that end up making deal with the devil. Apparently Matilda was never supposed to have any child, her death was an equal payment for Evan existence.
Evan fighting!>>>
why does this make me worry about the one who will end up with her (/T0T)/ pls be Evan my boy
The whole thing with the aunt seemed pretty pointless. It didn’t advance the plot.
LMAO he used new torture methods he learned from the book on that guy ???
Hehehe now evan has a reason to go there
totally forgot about the guy she stole all the ideas from, thought he was a prince for a second
2nd ml going to the fl
I can’t wait to see Evan jealous
No, don’t go u blonde boy -. -*