The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 33
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You all worried about cheating of OgFL but some people like it. And like this red haired bish who openly trying to influence to fl to cheat on such puppy ml. And some people like her for it.
Idk about you guys but it’s still messed up that the og fl cheated so openly :’)
The villainess really is beautiful, I agree that I’d love to age the way she does
@me_mia it is messed up it’s a story about the FL cheating on her husband with the ML even though she is being used but don’t you think it’s a bit to much to cheat on him so openly when he did nothing to her isn’t it a bit too much and a messed up story where there really a time where you could not get a divorce when you want doesn’t that mean that everybody is cheating on each other (and it’s the case here) or the crime rate is flying up the sky? (I know it a bit exaggerated but it is what it is) I know there was a time when women couldn’t demand a divorce but divorce being banned I didn’t hear about it (and it may be my lack of knowledge)
@me_mia it is messed up it’s a story about the FL cheating on her husband with the ML even though she is being used but don’t you think it’s a bit to much to cheat on him so openly when he did nothing to her isn’t it a bit too much and a messed up story where there really a time where you could not get a divorce when you want doesn’t that mean that everybody is cheating on each other (and it’s the case here) or the crime rate is flying up the sky? (I know it a bit exaggerated but it is what it is) I know there was a time when women couldn’t demand a divorce but divorce being banned I didn’t hear about (and it may be my lack of knowledge)
Aww I got a feeling that the reason why aunt became a villainess towards the original FL is because of Laria’s death. But if that was the case, then the og story is kinda messed up don’t chu think? Or maybe it just because we’re watching from the duke’s family view
Alexandre Schihann
The aunt was angry bcuz she’s to kind lol
I like the aunt idk why she’s a villainess when she sincerely cares for the family and she’s strict but i feel like she’s kind
I think she was mad that Elani or whatever cheated on her family and remarried. I bet she cared about Elani when Elani was part of the family too.
I like the aunt, she could be worse but its clear she cares about her family and she was nice , in her own strict way, to Laria ?
That Rabbit with mustache bow?
I loved that detail too, like “HERE I AM SO VERY INNOCENT- but wait! It’s a disguise!”
Laris always can melt everyone heart
Thank you hari ❤