The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 32
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Latin Rose
Hmmmm 🤨
Reader is L
Seeing the duke spot out tea was marvelous ?
Thank you Hari^^
Lover boy xoxo notcringeatalllmao
Total opposite of his dark black hair so I’m assuming this is a family or a grandma or someone idk man just gimme more of those romance comedy
Wow, her hair is super pretty!
who is that his sister, in law, or something ??? She looks extra ? no wonder he’s getting all the maids
And they look so cute sitting together and drinking tea, cant wait to see them both grown up and having a good time together
Akio Haruki
She looks hot I hope she ain’t a bitch but I will still not hate her because it’s hard to hate a pretty lady
Ohh another character i see how exciting
Not a bitch but a tsundere
oo she looks cool hope it’s not a bitch
a bitch i suppose