The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 31
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Wait why does he need the relic?
2 steps ahead
aww I thought he was Evan on that last panel so cute
He’s as cute as his son
naw he doesn’t even look like hes a dad ??
Reader is L
DONT MAKE THAT FACE!!! ??? that was lethal duke ekard! ?
Ayo he looked just like his son when he smiled like that.
There’s a saying that “Money can’t buy happiness”, but how can u buy the things that would give happiness to your life without money, in conclusion money is everything HAHAHAHAHA
Money will solve 99% problems in life lol
FR though, like for example, ran out of gas for your car? Just pay an uber driver to take you home and viola!
Well at least this just seems to be a greedy temple and not an evil one. Having money sure does solve problems
It’s funny how he smiles like that and even blush because he’s happy about a relic ???
I really like her, very clever girl ?
lol the way she used money to get the pope to give in ? Ill take the cliche money greedy church over the evil one
Yes…just like that… and become a doting father in law ☺️
Lover boy xoxo notcringeatalllmao
At this point he must feel real guilty wanting to use her and abandoned her once she died the first time but I doubt that will happen now good for her, yup there’s no way she can run away now, no w a y.