The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 28
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Cute cat fight lol
All this smart FLS shared one thing in common, the might be genius in everything BUT LOVE
ML being smart just at times like this ???
Cute cute cut
Thanks hari^^
They are sooooooo cute
serena is a rly fun character, i like her a lot but seriously she needs to do her job as a “doctor” better lol. even if its just an act, she should at least act better. ik her bickering with the maid us just a part of comedy but the maid has a pretty darn well high status in terms of being a worker lol. the duke will eventually get suspicious if all serena does when being reported by the maid is “picking out dresses for the lady, boy talk with the lady, leaving the lady alone even tho it was her duty to stand by her” etc
I love you harimanga
As long as she brings along the tree with them berries fruits yes
Probably not since she needs those berries.
Her picturing them as cats fighting ?
Father and son fighting over letter.. so cute.. hahahaa
I never really like the father,but i like the child husband