The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 25
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ngl, i really enjoy that she has no romantic attachment to him. despite his ‘maturity’, she’s just like “yeah, thats a kid. i’ll take care of the kid while i’m here” lol. idk if i’ll ship it later when he grows up but i just appreciate that she’d just being the adult in the situation, ya know? none of this “oh he’s 13 but he doesnt act 13 so im getting flustered~” bullshit
Grand Marshall Bellion
At this point, if ML gonna turn into a villain…I won’t be surprised anymore.
I hope evan sees this and get jealous PLS GOD JUST ONCE 😭
Her portrait is going to be soooooooo cuteee=>>>
The og MC actually still got his part tho (even tho it was just halved as he supposed to earn)
Starting to worry about the ml’s future. She’s using all the things the he used to start making money, and the beginning is the hardest part, poor him
Can’t she have at least one original idea???
I’m very sorry for the ML, but eh- he’s not the star of the stories anyway.
So…… Laria is growing up with Evan thinking that she is playing the role of a mother for him…. when this girl grows up and Evan be like madly in love with her, then will she still think that she is a mother figure? and never realize Evan’s feelings? and also deny her own feelings? and still wanting to escape and then hurt Evan’s feelings because of that?
that sounds a little cliche but still I look forward to their cute moments ????
That’s the conclusion o thought too>.<
Ooo its gonna be pretty!
The FL just trying to survive, using the og ml’s buff..haha
Marichiii, Ikr?! ??
I can’t wait for her to run away from them,i mean the Duke is planning to ‘kill’ her anyway
Lover boy xoxo notcringeatalllmao
When she goes missing “for a while” the Duke/husband’s gonna search for her and then they suddenly came across the painting and they gonna keep it in a precious place just like the ex wife/mommy, well that’s just my imagination on the future chapter lmao
? funny but this is literally cheating on someone’s destiny to be reach. i somehow pity the ML who struggled so hard for his future. i just hope he won’t end up being miserable because of the lady’s action ???
I was having the same thoughts ?
Lol that’s so true. Inside trading at its worst.
? Not son zoned ?
The young painter is cute, he would be 3rd ML material or at least he’ll make the mL jealous because she’ll actually like his painting after seeing and complimenting them
She makes ml miserable ??