The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 22
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If anything indicates that Plan B is an option. . . . then Laria will take it. Her choice, Bitches.
I hate this red haired. I hate this type of person who suggested the person to cheat on their partner. She is useless and I don’t know why author give her too much scene. What was her job to only deliver news. And author gives her two much scene even her role is too minor. It’s would have been better if her job is doctory and secondary job is to deliver the news. But she acts annoyingly in front of servent. Doesn’t author had some better personality type character.
I hate her, and I don’t want her much scene in later ch.
It’s my opinion, I hate her. So don’t lecture me in comment section about her.
It’s too late…girl has too much EQ and IQ…they fall easily, if she were in the imperial palace she would’ve usurped the current Emperor already… It’s too late! While she is a demon Queen she has a conscience, be glad she’s not a fps, rpg pvper or sandbox survival gamer… Heartless psychos they are…
Loooooooooooooooooving this stoooryyyy!
So cute~
This dude does he want her to have a choice or not lol
@ophelia Jammy
she doesn’t love her new family, she knows that Duke will throw her away when the time comes, she’s also planning to run away, haven’t you read the previous chapters? Duke from the beginning only used her, you don’t seem to understand anything from the previous chapters, don’t you?
Ophelia Jammy
Guyss no no she love her new fam plus her new fam really love her stop with those ridiculous plan
Thanks for the update harimanga