The Villain’s Daughter-in-Law has limited time - Chapter 2
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2 steps ahead
that’s a lot of fruit… hopefully it tastes good?
*it’s 18 250 fruits. Is one tree capable of breeding that many fruits? 3650 fruits per year… can she even stomach that much? And the tree gives fruits all year long? Plot isn’t plotting here…
10 fruits a day for 5 years it’s
Girl, don’t sweat it and just fake your death when the time comes. You have a decade in advance to prepare for your timely demise.
@lolconpro she be coughing out blood on a daily basis and you tell her to ignore the cure that’s right in front of her eyes which no one else knows about?
I mean , why get read rid of the thing that was appealing from the start , at least take some time before figure it out how to cure yourself
My girl is so pretty
The art is magnificent ?
How can one tree bear that many fruits, especially to feed her every single day, every season, for five years… ugh just thinking about it is making me anxious
Im just an ordinary guy
There weren’t just one tree, and since you clearly see that she only picks up about two cherries at the time
mah Daddy
So cute >.<
Another manhwa hot daddy to add to the collection I guess? Ha.ha.ha
If I am her, I’ll call him Daddy~~ ?
Pffttt look at her so sly omg i would have been fcking embarrassed calling a certain man father in law all of a sudden.. Even reading it makes me feel like i am saying it lol.. Just need this much confidence
The color scheme looked exactly like the siren manga a pink haired fragile lady having a black haired father in law
Of course his son gonna be mean to her and fall in love later ??
The FL is soooo CUTE???!
Thank you for the updates!