The Villainous Princess Wants to Live in a Gingerbread House - Chapter 59
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Best Manhwa, Cooking, Fantasy, Friedrich, Hot, Hot manhwa, Listing Hot Comic, Magic, Manhwa, Marron pie, Shoujo, The Villainous Princess Wants to Live in a Candy Store, The Villainous Princess Wants to Live in a Confectionary Store, The Villainous Princess Wants to Live in a Gingerbread House, The Villainous Princess Wants to Live in a Snack House, The Villainous Princess Wants to Live in a Sweet Shop, Top 10 Manhwa, webtoon, 악역 황녀님은 과자집에서 살고 싶어
Like so what
Hmm, but isn’t rising powder called “Yeast”?
Like so what
Oh wait nvm I forgot about Baking powder/Pb/Bp
miss Misterious
Its baking powder… Baking soda
Loving her idea to sell small amounts of chocolate with the recipe. I think hersheys(?) did something similar by having a recipe for chocolate chip cookies on their chocolate chip packaging. It will encourage sales since they can make it at home AND it will stop competitors from monopolizing what’s left of the market.
Baking competitors I mean
Confused about the chocolate cake. So because others can’t copy the recipe because she hasn’t shared it the sales of it are bad? Like what?
Chocolate sales are low because there aren’t any other chocolate recipes out there and I’m pretty sure they only have baking chocolate (no good for eating).
Cake sales are dropping because the hype for a brand new dessert has started to die down.
If the recipe goes public:
chocolate will actually sell (that woman’s business)
cake sales will drop some more (but not by too much than it is already since they’re only selling the chocolate in small quantities)
I know you like it :v :3
Spring and Summer
“Tiresome job?” Karno, we all see you smiling ?
So is her own uncle the one that sent that opera lady to bad talk her dessert since his own business is failing? Or was the culprit already found as someone else, I don’t remember ?
Spring and Summer
Yes it was her uncle
he says that but he’s blushing sooooooooo cute aaaaaaaahhhhhh
Oh yeah ??
Thank you
He was gonna go with her anyway ? I can’t wait to see them as grown ups ?