The Villainous Princess Wants to Live in a Gingerbread House - Chapter 46
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After reading a while I just kind of getting weird feeling…. and theyre not positive at all.
So the names of royals are kind of common russian names, there is a north which is sooo cold like today’s siberia the north asia.
Siberians are not ethnic Russian but Turks, Mongols, Buryats etc. And because theyre not slav they always get discriminated, their culture and face/body features are looked down. In some regions even learning their own language called “rusphobic”. But what got confused me also the elves’ traditional clothing is not similar ar all to siberian turks but anatolian turks?? I dont know what to feel about this webtoon at all but in webtoons general they gave villain nations our trad motifs or names… Feeling headache again.
They are mostly just taking names from the Don Bluth animated Anastasia. Most Korean fantasy webtoons swipe Disney names so I was amused it was Bluth this time.
Thank you so much hari
Sharp Knife
why is every chapter so cute, even when bad things happen there’s always something nice going on too
Thanks for the update ??
I read this latest chapter first because I am to curious of what is happening and when I first saw the art It’s reminded me of the youngest princess
This is such a cute story. I’m glad it’s updating again.
Thank you for the translation! I’ve been waiting for this ?