Her logic makes absolutely no sense. Math and poison are not the same thing. And she is from the modern world. Wtf is she thinking? And of course it’ll work bc her absurdly heavy plot armour. If you think any two poisons will neutralize each other she is so very wrong. And plus, she’s adding the two poisons, not multiplying them, so in what world does adding two negatives=positive? What she’s doing is basically taking two random chemicals and jamming them together, not knowing whether they’re both acidic or basic, hoping they neutralize. I kinda wanna punch her. An additional fact is that it’s not even poison, it’s a curse. From all my knowledge about curses, two curses will only stack, unless they have opposite effects. And one last complaint before this is dropped, she let herself get protected by a child, a literal child, like she is a damsel in distress, when’s she’s actually an adult inside. She’s not a child. And then she’s gonna fall in love with the very child she raised. Typical.
Actually the FL isn’t wrong about a poison being able to combat another poison. However it does depend on the poison used and the amount of poison used. For example the poison/toxin aconite found in wolfsbane which can slow down the heart rate to dangerous levels could be counteracted by atropine found in deadly nightshade since this poison/toxin can speed up the heart rate to dangerous levels. In combating aconite with atropine you neutralize them both. I know this since I have an interest in plants and their properties, medicinal or otherwise. While I don’t agree with many of the things you said, I know this is you OPINION and you have the right to your OPINIONS.
I hope she’s right.
Her logic makes absolutely no sense. Math and poison are not the same thing. And she is from the modern world. Wtf is she thinking? And of course it’ll work bc her absurdly heavy plot armour. If you think any two poisons will neutralize each other she is so very wrong. And plus, she’s adding the two poisons, not multiplying them, so in what world does adding two negatives=positive? What she’s doing is basically taking two random chemicals and jamming them together, not knowing whether they’re both acidic or basic, hoping they neutralize. I kinda wanna punch her. An additional fact is that it’s not even poison, it’s a curse. From all my knowledge about curses, two curses will only stack, unless they have opposite effects. And one last complaint before this is dropped, she let herself get protected by a child, a literal child, like she is a damsel in distress, when’s she’s actually an adult inside. She’s not a child. And then she’s gonna fall in love with the very child she raised. Typical.
Actually the FL isn’t wrong about a poison being able to combat another poison. However it does depend on the poison used and the amount of poison used. For example the poison/toxin aconite found in wolfsbane which can slow down the heart rate to dangerous levels could be counteracted by atropine found in deadly nightshade since this poison/toxin can speed up the heart rate to dangerous levels. In combating aconite with atropine you neutralize them both. I know this since I have an interest in plants and their properties, medicinal or otherwise. While I don’t agree with many of the things you said, I know this is you OPINION and you have the right to your OPINIONS.
I feel the same way but let’s just respect the plot armor
She is kinda genius
The interesting things are these two so please give more of them pleaseeee💝💝
he had a heart of a dragon now :0
Booooo more!