This chapter is stupid! Expecting reason from a child that barely learned how to clothe himself properly. He’s a prince doesn’t excuse the fact that he is a child and shouldn’t be cajoled into understanding his parents. And the princess isn’t at all mature for her age as fl says. Gloating on how she’s being given everything while the prince is denied it. The princess shouldn’t be showed such blatant bias, at least not enough for the prince should notice
I Cant_Sleep
This chapter is stupid! Expecting reason from a child that barely learned how to clothe himself properly. He’s a prince doesn’t excuse the fact that he is a child and shouldn’t be cajoled into understanding his parents. And the princess isn’t at all mature for her age as fl says. Gloating on how she’s being given everything while the prince is denied it. The princess shouldn’t be showed such blatant bias, at least not enough for the prince should notice