she’s bad at hiding emotion, head in clouds, kind of stupid too but it’s okay so far I agree with comment down below I’ve seen worse, ohh the scene in which she was dancing with Thomas those 2 couples looked ML FL of other story pink dress was better than FLs dress
It’s kinda cringy for but I do love those little angels part
Awwwwww so happy to see them happy
@lightning – Kun
can u stop with those lengthy hate train??
didn’t u read the title it’s not ur typical
dumb fl Falling in love story
it’s about her and her love for taking care of kids
so shoo awayy
I see your hate comment evert ch can’t you just catch a break
she’s bad at hiding emotion, head in clouds, kind of stupid too but it’s okay so far I agree with comment down below I’ve seen worse, ohh the scene in which she was dancing with Thomas those 2 couples looked ML FL of other story pink dress was better than FLs dress
She is slow but still smarter than a lot or these FLs.