In this kind of manga we wont have much oportunities to see FL naked so artis could make her more proportional, her legs are weirdly long and think, her hips seams to be realy sexy but booty is kinda flat, head is alsmo small compared to rest of body. Slightly shorter legs, more meat, better botom, longer stomach, slightly larger head. Kinda feel like adjusting it 😉
In this kind of manga we wont have much oportunities to see FL naked so artis could make her more proportional, her legs are weirdly long and think, her hips seams to be realy sexy but booty is kinda flat, head is alsmo small compared to rest of body. Slightly shorter legs, more meat, better botom, longer stomach, slightly larger head. Kinda feel like adjusting it 😉
Omg I love her so much
This is soooooo goood already at chapter 6!!!! Cant wait for the rest ^^
wahoutresbien vivement la suite merci beaucoup