The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass - Chapter 96
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I’m happy dancing cuz ummm Cain’s dead
Wow Mielle really didn’t stop Cain from drinking it tsk tsk worthy of being a villainess, but I’m quite shocked to actually see Cain in such a gruesome state, it’s quite pitiful actually
the fact that mielle pushed her father to his demise, caused her mother figure to be executed, and now poisoned her own brother to death (well, that wasn’t intentional but still). she literally has no one left on her side now. she disposed all her family members, and now it’s time for her to follow them. what a rightful ending for her.
Perfect master revenge plan! Ah, so interesting and elaborate!!
i think why this revenge is satisfying is because she really did have an opportunity
if she actually turned over a new leaf, aria would have had no way to trap her like this. bus since she couldn’t let go of her pride and bias, she dug her own grave
also lol really happy cain’s dead. i was scared they were gonna let him walk and like….. that dude was so horrible for so long??? and then only started being nice cuz he realized he’d die if he didn’t??? idk man, that creepy murderous rape-y bastard deserves worse imo
That actually made me feel really bad for Cain.
eh, i dont. he was so creepy towards aria for so long :/ he only changed his behavior cuz he could see the writing on the wall (unlike his sister)
Love how aria just stands firm on her choices, cain only changed becasue he went through a near death experience otherwise he wouldve remained trashy so she doesnt feel bad for him at all. Good for you girl hes dead now!!!
It’s quite scary seeing the blood coming from everywhere, but im gonna read it again
This part is actually showing aria as a full fledged villainess. Cain seem to have somewhat turned over a new leaf and if he didnt die he might have lived on peacefully, have an amicable relationship with aria, and probably working hard on his career. I think aria also saw that possibility, but she didnt hesitate to make Cain a punishment stick for Mielle at the expense of his life.
I actually love that aria is a real villainess, like we finally get the real villainess, not a misunderstood good person lol. She doesnt spare people and it suits her character, since she has never been a perfectly kindhearted person to begin with (and that’s okay!).
Sadly no. The relationship was amicable. He was obsessed with Aria. He actually nearly assaulted her on numerous occasions and even said something to the effect that she was a slut just like her mother. I’m sorry but there isn’t any amount of apologies or being a good person that’s going to erase all that he did to her. Remember they can say they are sorry but are they truly sorry?
Really he was only a “decent” person because Aria is going to marry the Emperor. And he is well enough aware that she held their lives in her hands.
I have to agree with Leileyani they make a very good point. If he didn’t start to obsess over aria he would have till been as horrible s before.
wow… she is crazy enough to poison someone with that much amount.
She was only suppose to be just a small amount enough for a poopsie oopsie but nope, Aria knew that Mielle was evil enough and stupid enough to make the tea with the lethal amount. To the very end, Mielle will never admit any fault and blame everyone else
Interesting enough that in the novel, Mielle poisoned the tea cups and not the tea itself. She placed some on Annie’s cup but also a significant amount on Aria’s. Aria sat at the head of the table as the mistress of the house, but when Cain arrived she gave him her seat as a respect to his seniority (he’s older than her so he gets the head seat) and that was how Cain ended up getting poisoned.
LOL kind of want to see their father’s face when he hears his daughter not only pushed him down the stairs but also killed her brother ?
I didnt want him to die