The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass - Chapter 121
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it’s funny how u seem to hate Aria being a villainess even though that’s the whole context of this story hahaha, not judging here i just find it hilarious
ur probably right morally she should be punished, but then in this story, she is the fl and she has ‘god’s given grace’, so it was quite foreseeable that she would be able to get a happy ending
also yes poor Tiaran
That’s why Aira is being punished in her future life. She deserves it for using and trampling people around her. It’s a punishment for her revenge.
She’s a villainess after all, so her ending on future is befitting for her personality.
But the God or should I say the Author gave her another miracle shit to fix all the drama.
The poor Tiaran, you were just trying your best to survive but you ended up in trouble just so this two flirty couple can be lovey-dovey. This is really annoying.
obertink malala
But what if the lake water doesn´t work or becomes poison if someone with abilitys drinks it?
Anecy scarlet lol from the promised neverland right
The weak should fear the strong
For me its Tiaran coming back in clearly indigenous inspired clothing and being forced to hand over their land to this basically European inspired Queen for her own benefit that makes these last few chapters rub me the wrong way. If this is how its got to be I wish she never mentioned the lake. At least Aria didn’t threaten to colonize the place if they refused.
Anecy Scarlet
Ah nanny is that you? Are you alive?! God bless you!