@Celery Every baby has hair after birth, they are more hairy, my brother was also hairy when he was birthed. I remember his thick head hair, he also has back and arm hair cuz the fetus is in surrounded by liquid, it is their protection against sudden changes in temperature, those hair are also accompanied by white stuffs, same purpose as the hair. The white stuffs are removed after the doctor and nurses removed it from the baby and excess body hair will fall automatically after some time, leaving only the head hair. I only see hairless baby at eastern Asia. I saw a reel where a dad shaves off his baby’s/toddler’s hair.
so she undergoes caesarian, mean she’s limited to giving birth, another pregnancy is very risky for her in addition that she give birth at a young age. i wish they could have more babies but that’ll be impossible. anyways we will wait for another season haizzz🥲
i hope he and tia plan and execute a coup… that empire needs a bloody coup and the temple needs to go down through that bloody mud as well…
at least after that… the empire can start anew
@Celery Every baby has hair after birth, they are more hairy, my brother was also hairy when he was birthed. I remember his thick head hair, he also has back and arm hair cuz the fetus is in surrounded by liquid, it is their protection against sudden changes in temperature, those hair are also accompanied by white stuffs, same purpose as the hair. The white stuffs are removed after the doctor and nurses removed it from the baby and excess body hair will fall automatically after some time, leaving only the head hair. I only see hairless baby at eastern Asia. I saw a reel where a dad shaves off his baby’s/toddler’s hair.
It’s a princess
which baby is born with so many hair ahaha
Ooooooooooh my god she is sooooo cute 😍 reminds me of the day my baby girl was born 🥰 and my baby came the same way 🤣
so she undergoes caesarian, mean she’s limited to giving birth, another pregnancy is very risky for her in addition that she give birth at a young age. i wish they could have more babies but that’ll be impossible. anyways we will wait for another season haizzz🥲
i hope he and tia plan and execute a coup… that empire needs a bloody coup and the temple needs to go down through that bloody mud as well…
at least after that… the empire can start anew
Noooo end of season. The baby is adorable though
Whaaatt I need more tbh Its like just few chapters