Highness Rain? Vision? Misu? Who the fck are these people being mentioned? What happened to the translators? It was as if the convos are not meant for this manhwa now….why did they mistyped all the names? Fck them for destroying a good story….😠
Hey, please stop acting like ppl with no money don’t deserve nice things, the only thing I do for fun is read, I own a shitty computer and find free things to read, do you know how much it would cost if I bought everything I read? I want to support the author, I want to support good translations, use your soap box to look over the wall of your privilege, you hypocrite
You guys have the audacity to blame it on Harumanga when all they do is publish a manhwa on their site FOR FREE. You have no say, the only one who can complain are the people who sponsored Harimanga and all other translations sites. If you want something readable, then pay the translators
You guys are dumb and blind, Harimanga is not this manhwa’s translator, it’s the fairymanga.
If you want READABLE HIGH QUALITY TRANSLATIONS, Then better pay to read legally, you all are ungrateful and you guys are just reading illegally.
I wish people would stop asking Harimanga to do this and that when the site itself doesn’t gave a proper bookmark system or comment section. They clearly dont but effort into improving the site. Why would they notice or even act on a few dozen comments addressed to them when they will never see them much less care
Harimanga, love what you usually do, but please redo this translation, it’s literally unreadable. It might be time to find a different site to use guys.
OMG. I can’t understand anything. The translation is terrible. We appreciate the effort the team makes to do this, but it’s just a disservice to the manga.
Someone please traduce these last chapters again. They make absolutely no sense and keep up woth the same names you used before. We don’t know who is who if ypu keep changing the names
Highness Rain? Vision? Misu? Who the fck are these people being mentioned? What happened to the translators? It was as if the convos are not meant for this manhwa now….why did they mistyped all the names? Fck them for destroying a good story….😠
Simply a passerby
Well the score for this translation is something below 0 what the is wrong with that dictation
Hey, please stop acting like ppl with no money don’t deserve nice things, the only thing I do for fun is read, I own a shitty computer and find free things to read, do you know how much it would cost if I bought everything I read? I want to support the author, I want to support good translations, use your soap box to look over the wall of your privilege, you hypocrite
You guys have the audacity to blame it on Harumanga when all they do is publish a manhwa on their site FOR FREE. You have no say, the only one who can complain are the people who sponsored Harimanga and all other translations sites. If you want something readable, then pay the translators
You guys are dumb and blind, Harimanga is not this manhwa’s translator, it’s the fairymanga.
If you want READABLE HIGH QUALITY TRANSLATIONS, Then better pay to read legally, you all are ungrateful and you guys are just reading illegally.
I wish people would stop asking Harimanga to do this and that when the site itself doesn’t gave a proper bookmark system or comment section. They clearly dont but effort into improving the site. Why would they notice or even act on a few dozen comments addressed to them when they will never see them much less care
Harimanga, love what you usually do, but please redo this translation, it’s literally unreadable. It might be time to find a different site to use guys.
cresie bowman
the translation get worse, if i dont read novel first I wouldn understand anything at all.
I have to agree with others comments this is Horrible, the worst translation
OMG. I can’t understand anything. The translation is terrible. We appreciate the effort the team makes to do this, but it’s just a disservice to the manga.
Amelia Marie
Love this story but if I haven’t read the novel I would have no clue what happened cuz it’s basically unreadable
Worst MTL ever
Someone please traduce these last chapters again. They make absolutely no sense and keep up woth the same names you used before. We don’t know who is who if ypu keep changing the names