I don’t believe this is something humanely possible. Think about it, to be able to place this pieces perfectly, putting regards the character of each piece and making subsequent plans in relation to those people’s character. No matter how smart or cunning you are, it’s too overwhelming for a human’s mind and you’re bound to make a flaw because, it’s the truth that humans are unpredictable. It’s sufficient to say this belongs to the domain of a god instead. It just shows how this is fiction and not real
I Cant_Sleep
I don’t believe this is something humanely possible. Think about it, to be able to place this pieces perfectly, putting regards the character of each piece and making subsequent plans in relation to those people’s character. No matter how smart or cunning you are, it’s too overwhelming for a human’s mind and you’re bound to make a flaw because, it’s the truth that humans are unpredictable. It’s sufficient to say this belongs to the domain of a god instead. It just shows how this is fiction and not real
I see it author, OMG everything is falling in to place… The character’s were used well … Bravo author 👏👏👏👏 Take a bow….