The truck he just got his man tiddies out and about like that? In front of the child? Did you loose ur shirt buttons? Did he think Cayena would be coming with the kid?
He’s half naked in front of a kid , is that even appropriate, well my dad roams around the house just in underwear lol, I’m jealous i wish I can roam like that in this blazing heat 😵 i can’t take this heat wave anymore 🤧
This is child abuse.
what chap is this in the novel?
its chilly outside
POOR REGEF!!! how sad !!! waas that the king who tried to strangle him!!!! ><
The truck he just got his man tiddies out and about like that? In front of the child? Did you loose ur shirt buttons? Did he think Cayena would be coming with the kid?
Shiv bhatt
He’s half naked in front of a kid , is that even appropriate, well my dad roams around the house just in underwear lol, I’m jealous i wish I can roam like that in this blazing heat 😵 i can’t take this heat wave anymore 🤧
Him just casually showing all of THAT 😮💨 I love their dynamic though. So cute. Cayena and Raphael will raise Edel well 😌
Why is it so FREAKING HOT HERE🥵🔥?
that ab service is wasted on that kid, lol
I think hes the opposite of cool 🥵
Give up kid we all have