@SimpSama Prince Rezef’s Dad(( the King )) is a DISGRACEFUL parent! And that’s what I would like to agree on… If only everything changed back then and not treating him harshly, it hurts my heart thinking about it
@Littlelove1212 They aren’t cousins, they’re half-siblings.
They have the same mother, but different fathers.
Kayena’s being the emperor, while Rezef’s is the ex-duke of Kidrey (Leo Francis).
That’s also the reason why the emperor hates Rezef, cuz he ain’t his own son.
Rezef is crazy about kayena no matter what. He wants power but more than that he wants kayena. And for those who don’t know, rezef isn’t the Kings child. He’s most probably kayena’s cousin so it’s no incest
“Debussy”……………………really? Out of all the names you could give a prime minister…
Is the prime Minister’s name debussy?
@Littlelove1212 hes her half brother
if you go to like… the chapters list of this manhwa on hm, and scroll down, i posted a family tree
i get that your sister is a bit bitchy, but hitting her!?
that crosses all line you bastard
That’s beyond busted lmao i feel secondhand embarrassment for a second 😂
@SimpSama Prince Rezef’s Dad(( the King )) is a DISGRACEFUL parent! And that’s what I would like to agree on… If only everything changed back then and not treating him harshly, it hurts my heart thinking about it
@Littlelove1212 They aren’t cousins, they’re half-siblings.
They have the same mother, but different fathers.
Kayena’s being the emperor, while Rezef’s is the ex-duke of Kidrey (Leo Francis).
That’s also the reason why the emperor hates Rezef, cuz he ain’t his own son.
Rezef is crazy about kayena no matter what. He wants power but more than that he wants kayena. And for those who don’t know, rezef isn’t the Kings child. He’s most probably kayena’s cousin so it’s no incest
Me Smoking weed while reading this.
yeahh time for him to die
Ohhhhh you piss him off…you will die miserably now
He really changed. And he slapped her
You dag your own grave,Zenon.Unfortunately,your death won’t be an April fool.
It’s April Fool’s Zenon Evans🙈