how can they not know that tea, sugar, and milk. Let me search when it was invented.
What I found:
– History of adding milk to tea. Many assume that adding milk to tea started in England, but that’s not actually the case. The British didn’t start drinking tea until the 17th century, whereas dairy may have been added to tea in Tibet as early as 781, when tea was introduced to Mongolia from China.
@Claude😫 its almost like shes the fl of the novel that OUR fl got reincarnated into
whyd she recommend olivia to him when she had already done so with her brother..
Interesting and i hope they don’t change the quality of tl
why recommend someone else when u can be the one??
I got a bad feeling about that girl she always pops up?!
@FaeBreeze not yet, he’s just desperate not to get married.
blubis thebest
@MISS GALAXY WORLD I come from Tibet
how can they not know that tea, sugar, and milk. Let me search when it was invented.
What I found:
– History of adding milk to tea. Many assume that adding milk to tea started in England, but that’s not actually the case. The British didn’t start drinking tea until the 17th century, whereas dairy may have been added to tea in Tibet as early as 781, when tea was introduced to Mongolia from China.
Like so what
I drink tea with milk and sugar, its really good
I usually prefer honey and citrus.
Now he’s regretting.. she’s not the same Cayena who truly madly deeply in love with him,.
This man is already wrapped around the princess’ finger ?
I want my boobs to look as good as Duchess Kedrey’s when Im her age