Beautiful Art But A Short Chapter is really a good deal, i cant imagine myself doing this kind of art in under a week, getting this kind of amazing art in a week is really good
Why does kayena doesn’t want that bastard to be killed?! Did she want to live in fear always? From what he did to an imperial member, he will also be sentenced to death..
He’s probably important to her escape. As mentioned before, I’m pretty sure killing him will only help Rezef ascend to king too soon, which would make things tricky for her escape
Raphael ??
Great art and story??
I agree you all reader should try to be patient it’s worth waiting this art is gorgeous
I loooooove the artwork soooo much
I Like To Read
Beautiful Art But A Short Chapter is really a good deal, i cant imagine myself doing this kind of art in under a week, getting this kind of amazing art in a week is really good
I know now why ss2 was so late. ’cause the art is very detailed. it’s really worth waiting.
Thank you for translating! The quality is so damn good!
Moon Jewel
Im crazy… going crazy… this beautiful art and story… thank you hari manga… ❤️❤️❤️
Sir Raphael is PRECIOUS!!! Thank you for the update I can’t wait for the next one!
I’m crying inside now good lordddddd!!! Sir Raphael is PRECIOUS!!! Thank you for the update I can’t wait for the next one!!!!
Too short
Thank ypu harimanga, its really fast ❤❤❤❤
You guys should really stop saying “it’s so short” or something like that, I’m tired making peepee jokes
Me:(༎ຶ ෴ ༎ຶ)( ꈍᴗꈍ)( ꈨຶ ˙̫̮ ꈨຶ )(≧▽≦)༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
Aditi Khedar
Oh I forgot to say that soon he will come to known that the fl was aware of his problem of skin contact.
Ehhh! It’s that’s all
Aditi Khedar
Spoiler: soon they are going to have a bunch of kisses of course lip to lip so be ready.?
I love ur spoil?☺
Lol cant wait for this..
Why can’t i find the next chapter ? pls give it to me
Why does kayena doesn’t want that bastard to be killed?! Did she want to live in fear always? From what he did to an imperial member, he will also be sentenced to death..
He’s probably important to her escape. As mentioned before, I’m pretty sure killing him will only help Rezef ascend to king too soon, which would make things tricky for her escape
Sooooo shoorrttttt. Nooo