The Villainess Doesn’t Need A New Husband! - Chapter 6
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she is so funny and crazy lol
Holy shit that old hag actually tried to breed her like she’s some show kennel pup!! No wonder the original went crazy. Now I think the original picked the CP cause he’s the man with the most power and could save her from her shitty MIL😓
Oh my.. So.. In the og story she’s not living on debauchery.. But he mother in law make her a prostitute.. 😱
[email protected]
I love her so much she is not like those other fl she actually fights back instead of just sitting there and letting her self be bullied 😍
Oh! This is quite nice!!
Alexandre Schihann
She is crazy 😆😆😆i love her already
Aww he is falling for her ☺️
awww this is wholesome
Awwwww!! So cute!!
I really love this omg
Go April, keep it up!