The Villainess Doesn’t Need A New Husband! - Chapter 4
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She should just sell everything and declare bankruptcy… or rather sell off the title too. That should smoke out the count if he’s still alive. And once he’s back ask for a divorce.
Princess Duck
Then what’s her family got from this count with a lot of debt for them to sold their daughter?
Hahahahaha. Nice 👍
that makes sense, the count probably escaped and wanted her to solve all his debt so he faked his death.
She should probably start selling things
My.. Poor fl.. In the previous life she became a guarantor of her escaping boyfriend..
Now she became a forced debtor of her ‘dead’ husband.. But, i think her husband is not dead but put all the debt on her and escape.. Bcoz no body was found right.. Just a statement that the count is dead..
A way to anybody heart is food!!!
Mainly free food.
If someone offers you free food that means they’re good people, they’re friends… seriously 🤣🤣🤣
Oh I get it!!!!!!!! What if the count is alive and he married her forcefully so he could leave and pass all the responsibilities to her! Hahahahaha
Gordon’s confused face when the duke said he was going to collect his things🤣🤣 Both the FL and Gordon internally panicking 😂😂😂😂😂😂
If the house is in debt then who is paying for the workers?
I hope he pays that debt off😒