The Villainess Doesn’t Need A New Husband! - Chapter 3
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Married to debt 😅
Empyrean Lie
LMAOOOO she look goofy
Bruhhhhh!!! That makes no sense. Where did the money the original used to raise men come from then? Don’t tell me the original who was blindly in love with the trash with Oedipus complex was a hidden business wiz?! Or the money they used to buy her from her scum dad, where did that come from?? If the count was in so much debt why would he spend more money and buy a wife instead of trying to marry in someone who has a lot of money?? Was he brain-dead? Then, did the servants kill him off cause he kept making such idiotic decisions? And why are there so many people still working there if they’re so poor?? I can understand the count might have been trying to maintain appearances but would they still be willing to work if the debt is so high that their wages are indefinitely withheld?? I have so many questions…
and then the early comments say its better to marry now but BRUH look at the debt. that’s so much worse