The Villainess Doesn’t Need A New Husband! - Chapter 2
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true, if she was kind they would have taken advantage of her kindness. glad she’s not naive
She is rude but it’s not anything above what they deserve for disrespecting her so much. In that kind of world, if she lets them get away with it she won’t ever be treated with decency. They’ll look down on her, mock her, take advantage of her, and put her down. So it’s good she’s cutting off that behavior now
baby im not even hallucination
she is rude but its funny and somewhat refreshing so i’ll definitely be here to see how her personality progresses and if the comments on the main page are right about her being an idiot
She’s kinda rude
I really like it and btw ML is super handsome 😍 thank God that idiot prince isn’t a ML
She’s quite wild. I like it.
I want more.