It was more than avoiding abject poverty, remember? Celestine is technically draft dodging. Their entire family was going to be killed since he disappeared, so she had to take his place. Exposing her lie is opening up herself to a death sentence.
concealing your gender to maintain your household and avoid abject poverty is a bit different than what he did… for the sake of basically hanging on to his favourite toy
@Calico45 omg totally forgot. like. 90 chapters ago. lol
It was more than avoiding abject poverty, remember? Celestine is technically draft dodging. Their entire family was going to be killed since he disappeared, so she had to take his place. Exposing her lie is opening up herself to a death sentence.
concealing your gender to maintain your household and avoid abject poverty is a bit different than what he did… for the sake of basically hanging on to his favourite toy
blubis thebest
but…u lied to him about ur gender too sooo ????
Oh ☹️