@setlan yeah, but clearly the “villain” they’re referring to in the title is Ignus based on the OG novel. Not the current timeline. And since when has Letio been the “villain” what??? He’s definitely a psycho, but so far he’s been portrayed as an obsessive 2nd ML. The “villain” in this story right now is the empress.
@AMarshmallowOnTop – what are you talking about? The villain has known for ages, Letio straight up admitted to knowing from moment one she was pulling a Mulan. When we pick ‘villain’ between Ignus and Letio, Ignus is the villain per the story and Selene/Celeste’s perspective given the OG source material but Letio is clearly the all-out psycho.
It cant be the elf. The father all of the sudden got worst so they just called the elf. They think he was poisoned when he got worst. It was probably the queen.
@setlan yeah, but clearly the “villain” they’re referring to in the title is Ignus based on the OG novel. Not the current timeline. And since when has Letio been the “villain” what??? He’s definitely a psycho, but so far he’s been portrayed as an obsessive 2nd ML. The “villain” in this story right now is the empress.
Asuna chan
Bruh i can’t tell the difference between the two of them 💀
@AMarshmallowOnTop – what are you talking about? The villain has known for ages, Letio straight up admitted to knowing from moment one she was pulling a Mulan. When we pick ‘villain’ between Ignus and Letio, Ignus is the villain per the story and Selene/Celeste’s perspective given the OG source material but Letio is clearly the all-out psycho.
100 chapters in and the villain, in fact, did not discover her identity yet 😂
It cant be the elf. The father all of the sudden got worst so they just called the elf. They think he was poisoned when he got worst. It was probably the queen.
Anecy Scarlet
Oh don’t tell me the elf?!