Hunting while being stuck in home is seriously something new lmao. Its something i would have never think of to do so its interesting enough.
I also like the fact that its not some isekai/time-travel one to overpower the MC. MC is pretty fast thinker and smart by himself?. But i just read till chap6, so i cannot say things well afterall its new. Im just hoping it stays same with this type of plot.
Art is also good. TL is fine. So i would recommend yall to read. 10/10 recommend as of now.
its so good very original
One of the best stories so far
10/10 ! Go read it if u havent already
Recommended! 10/10
Tara Tara
Hunting while being stuck in home is seriously something new lmao. Its something i would have never think of to do so its interesting enough.
I also like the fact that its not some isekai/time-travel one to overpower the MC. MC is pretty fast thinker and smart by himself?. But i just read till chap6, so i cannot say things well afterall its new. Im just hoping it stays same with this type of plot.
Art is also good. TL is fine. So i would recommend yall to read. 10/10 recommend as of now.