Like I understand that she needs her on antagonist who’s on the same page as her but damn. Is that all they can do!? Just copy and copy and poison and steal? What a petty thing. Gosh! Just give her someone with real talent that can match her ability in a fair play!!
This is really starting to drag on.
They’ve already repeated the, “evil perfume lady has stolen my scents and is driving me out of business, so I will present a new perfume at *insert party* where I will have to be judged and then barely come out the victor” when it wasn’t even that interesting the first time.
Yea but she isn’t like trying to get a throne or even trying to get married she sorta needs an antagonist that has a similar goal, If she has one that has a completely different goal and they never interact then it’s not really an antagonist.
They’re literally repeating the same plot point beat for beat and not even doing anything to make it more interesting. They could’ve changed it up, or brought in someone new, but they recycled the same old.
And there are other conflicts Ariel can participate in besides her business:
Her reputation’s still low due to obsessing over the Duke. (We never see her participate in high society aside from having to promote her brand)
Heck, there’s the romance with the Duke AND with the Prince! We could be giving both relationships more screen time to flesh them out.
There’s the whole “isekai” thing as well. Surely there’s some culture clash she feels by being here she could sort through. She could finally deal with her father, for one thing.
There’s the plot of the original, whatever that may be.
Or she could have a friendship / hobby / literally anything in her life outside of perfuming. Seriously, she does literally nothing else.
Wonder if that drill haired girl was the one who tried to get ML to go nuts some chapters ago and what does she have against FL? I wonder if she was trying to set the story back in place?
*sigh* Can another ‘villain’ appear? Or should I better say, CAN SOMEONE ELSE BE THE MAIN ANTAGONIST? (That girl? With curly purple hair for example)
I’m seriously tired of this short-hair girl…. it was interesting watching her “competition” with FL at the beginning but now it’s just frustrating and really boring ?
My….. Why is this black potato always copying Ariel ‘s perfumes…. If she really wanna do business and flourish then it will be much better to come up with her own unique scents rather then to copy paste some else’s work which others can easily guess. Such a foolish villain. The prince and ml fighting over Ariel is such a sweet scene. ?????
Btw, black potato is really good. You cook small potatoes (skin on) with caramelized sugar (or molases if you like) and it tastes sweet and soft. The outer skin becomes so dark hence the name black potatoes.
That blue violet honestly looks terrible on everyone wearing it as outdoor clothing instead of formal. And the prince is so cute even if he is dumb I root for him over the uncle , go get your of FL
Like I understand that she needs her on antagonist who’s on the same page as her but damn. Is that all they can do!? Just copy and copy and poison and steal? What a petty thing. Gosh! Just give her someone with real talent that can match her ability in a fair play!!
Reader is L
Plots playing on repeat. I know writing and creating a story is hard and all but come on thisbis ridiculous!
This is really starting to drag on.
They’ve already repeated the, “evil perfume lady has stolen my scents and is driving me out of business, so I will present a new perfume at *insert party* where I will have to be judged and then barely come out the victor” when it wasn’t even that interesting the first time.
Yea but she isn’t like trying to get a throne or even trying to get married she sorta needs an antagonist that has a similar goal, If she has one that has a completely different goal and they never interact then it’s not really an antagonist.
They’re literally repeating the same plot point beat for beat and not even doing anything to make it more interesting. They could’ve changed it up, or brought in someone new, but they recycled the same old.
And there are other conflicts Ariel can participate in besides her business:
Her reputation’s still low due to obsessing over the Duke. (We never see her participate in high society aside from having to promote her brand)
Heck, there’s the romance with the Duke AND with the Prince! We could be giving both relationships more screen time to flesh them out.
There’s the whole “isekai” thing as well. Surely there’s some culture clash she feels by being here she could sort through. She could finally deal with her father, for one thing.
There’s the plot of the original, whatever that may be.
Or she could have a friendship / hobby / literally anything in her life outside of perfuming. Seriously, she does literally nothing else.
Wonder if that drill haired girl was the one who tried to get ML to go nuts some chapters ago and what does she have against FL? I wonder if she was trying to set the story back in place?
ahhh girl is setting herself up for failure. hope that fall is long.
Oh dear that looks dangerous ? and girl get your own style
Spring and Summer
*sigh* Can another ‘villain’ appear? Or should I better say, CAN SOMEONE ELSE BE THE MAIN ANTAGONIST? (That girl? With curly purple hair for example)
I’m seriously tired of this short-hair girl…. it was interesting watching her “competition” with FL at the beginning but now it’s just frustrating and really boring ?
My….. Why is this black potato always copying Ariel ‘s perfumes…. If she really wanna do business and flourish then it will be much better to come up with her own unique scents rather then to copy paste some else’s work which others can easily guess. Such a foolish villain. The prince and ml fighting over Ariel is such a sweet scene. ?????
Btw, black potato is really good. You cook small potatoes (skin on) with caramelized sugar (or molases if you like) and it tastes sweet and soft. The outer skin becomes so dark hence the name black potatoes.
That blue violet honestly looks terrible on everyone wearing it as outdoor clothing instead of formal. And the prince is so cute even if he is dumb I root for him over the uncle , go get your of FL
But the ML is really so very good in the eyes ????
Evil witches!!!