Is it just me or did part of this chapter make little to no sense? I mean there were a bunch of bubbles that were pretty nonsensical. I sometimes struggle to understand Teenmanhwa’s translations but this is one of the worst I’ve ever seen. (There has been a few that were so nonsensical that no one could follow what was happening) Now, don’t get me wrong, I have seen a few translations from Teenmanhwa that were quite good and even fewer that had such little errors that it was a pleasure to read. But more often than not… I can’t follow what is being said which is such a shame because I enjoy this story.
I personally get strokes reading teenmanhua’s translation daily
Why can’t the knight be the male lead😭😭😭
the duke’s knight is so handsome ( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Is it just me or did part of this chapter make little to no sense? I mean there were a bunch of bubbles that were pretty nonsensical. I sometimes struggle to understand Teenmanhwa’s translations but this is one of the worst I’ve ever seen. (There has been a few that were so nonsensical that no one could follow what was happening) Now, don’t get me wrong, I have seen a few translations from Teenmanhwa that were quite good and even fewer that had such little errors that it was a pleasure to read. But more often than not… I can’t follow what is being said which is such a shame because I enjoy this story.
i think its just you. Not that hard to look at for me.
Yeah just u…
I understood it perfectly fine.