Ahmm. I don’t think that card means death though. I’m not a tarot card reader but I’ve seen one explaning before—death card… I believe means the end and a new life begins (maybe means she died and get Transmigrated) and 10 sword means she cut of a relationship (let go) and now accepting that things happen (maybe means when she cut off her lover relationship with ML). The devil card I’m not sure… But I did some research and it says it’s about something that holds you back-maybe a bad habit or an addiction. (it’s just a theory but maybe it’s the perfume she created for the Duke)
Like so what
do u have a chronic disease
Ahmm. I don’t think that card means death though. I’m not a tarot card reader but I’ve seen one explaning before—death card… I believe means the end and a new life begins (maybe means she died and get Transmigrated) and 10 sword means she cut of a relationship (let go) and now accepting that things happen (maybe means when she cut off her lover relationship with ML). The devil card I’m not sure… But I did some research and it says it’s about something that holds you back-maybe a bad habit or an addiction. (it’s just a theory but maybe it’s the perfume she created for the Duke)
Ngl he’s pretty cute?
Dont ask me
Ohhh boy