What? She did plan to leave the palace in her past life? It’s still a lot better plan than trying to butter up these awful people including MC. There’s still plenty of time. She can start collecting money, save her maid, escape and fake her death before MC goes berserk. No one will suspect anything because no one cares about her anyway.
What? She did plan to leave the palace in her past life? It’s still a lot better plan than trying to butter up these awful people including MC. There’s still plenty of time. She can start collecting money, save her maid, escape and fake her death before MC goes berserk. No one will suspect anything because no one cares about her anyway.
My he-r..o..
well……..his more angry about being compared to he who is blonde amd bleu eye, rather than the offensive word lolol
s h o c h i
Well that’s what you call a son of a b*TcHhh Yerna literally passed down her bitchy attitude to her first borns :,)
hahahahaha ikr all those blond child were literally same literally a bast*rd