The way rayton’s eyes widened when he saw the both of them on the stairs gave ma a sense of satisfaction. Like you were the one that left her to go your mommy’s mission. Now you’re getting jealous she’s hanging out with someone else
red-haired girlie really said she’s interested in men who are like her father…’am i think that’s called Daddy Issues and you need to see yourself out ?
Rayton you are annoying, instead of asking how is she, you went for someone else. Luna613 is right, you abandoned her and went to your mission. Rayton it is your fault this happen. And I am crazy that I want to go in the webtoon lol.
I Cant_Sleep
The way rayton’s eyes widened when he saw the both of them on the stairs gave ma a sense of satisfaction. Like you were the one that left her to go your mommy’s mission. Now you’re getting jealous she’s hanging out with someone else
yo i just hope they remain siblings and dont get into a romantic relationship
red-haired girlie really said she’s interested in men who are like her father…’am i think that’s called Daddy Issues and you need to see yourself out ?
Rayton you are annoying, instead of asking how is she, you went for someone else. Luna613 is right, you abandoned her and went to your mission. Rayton it is your fault this happen. And I am crazy that I want to go in the webtoon lol.
You’re not. If do the same thing if I could. Imagine going into one of these stories and just saving everyone some time ??
??? sir. How you gonna be jealous when you literally abandoned her to play the flirting game with the town bicycle?
he’s jealous but of course no characters gonna acknowledge that