Wait.. I just remembered.. paris found amoretta not long before the time skip.. where is she? Cuz I really hope her talents don’t wind up by used by him. Especially since she could very well be talented enough to create a potion for changing eye color, which would make paris even more of a formidable foe cuz people will think he’s a true heir (even tho his true eye color is more of a brown and his blonde hair most likely dyed since both his parents had black hair)
Wait.. I just remembered.. paris found amoretta not long before the time skip.. where is she? Cuz I really hope her talents don’t wind up by used by him. Especially since she could very well be talented enough to create a potion for changing eye color, which would make paris even more of a formidable foe cuz people will think he’s a true heir (even tho his true eye color is more of a brown and his blonde hair most likely dyed since both his parents had black hair)