@Lightning-Kun what part of “shut-in” don’t you get? she never made any friends and hardly left her room, so of course she hasn’t developed any immunity to other’s strong auras. that’s like the whole premise of the story here
it’s been so many years since she had this ability to see these how long will it take her to get used to it? it makes FL look very stupid at times when will she improve or have resistance toward it instead of reading those books it would’ve been better had she done some research on this ability and other protective measures
@Lightning-Kun what part of “shut-in” don’t you get? she never made any friends and hardly left her room, so of course she hasn’t developed any immunity to other’s strong auras. that’s like the whole premise of the story here
It’s true tho, what @Lighting-kun says…
I’m only here still cuz I’m curious about how plot gonna develop, but as of now, it’s really bad…
Bro you at like your force to read this just leave if he else better to do🙄
I see you everywhere
And you never have a good thing to say
Just don’t comment if it’s something hating on the Manhwa
You’re seriously annoying lightning-kun.
it’s been so many years since she had this ability to see these how long will it take her to get used to it? it makes FL look very stupid at times when will she improve or have resistance toward it instead of reading those books it would’ve been better had she done some research on this ability and other protective measures